Electronic Components Distributor > Hirose Electric > Connectors > Connectors for FFC/FPC > FH12-49S-0.5SVA(54) 3reel
Category Connectors
Manufacture Hirose Electric
Stock Order
Ship date 8week (inquiry before Shipment)
Price US$2,924.37  (around US$0.975/pc)
Standard Packing Qty 1000pcs / 1reel
Minimum Order Qty 3reel
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Wiring components
Connectors for FFC/FPC
PCB to FPC and FFC connectors
0.5mm pitch

FPC/FFC Connectors
RoHS compliant

Number of positions: 49
Contact pitch: 0.5mm
Contact alignment : Single
Eccentric direction : Standard (without eccentric)
Contact type: SMT vertical mounting type
Plating specification: Selective gold plated
Current rating: 0.5A
Voltage rating: AC 50Vrms
Packaging type: Embossed tape reel
HRS No.586-0821-4-54
Dimensions: A=27.9mm, B=26.4mm, C=24.0mm, D=26.0mm, E=27.7mm, F=8mm

Dimensions of FH12-S-05SVA

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Model No Quantity Price Unit Price SPQ Ship date
FH12-49S-0.5SVA(54) 1reel 1reel US$1,003.36 US$1,003.36 1reel 7week
FH12-49S-0.5SVA(54) 3reel 3reel US$2,924.37 US$974.79 1reel 8week